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Deep Tissue Massage

Do you have continual back and shoulder tightness? Do you have neck pain that never seems to leave you? This pain and discomfort can be due to tight muscles putting stress on your skeletal system causing your body to not move like it was made to.


These issues with muscles are not an uncommon problem. Most people are experiencing some type of restriction, but unaware until they are challenged to perform a task without experiencing pain. Majority of the stiffness is caused by sitting at computers all day. When we anent at computers we are hunched over looking at our phones.


This generalized pain and discomfort isn't always due to an injury. This pain maybe caused from a lifestyle, whether it be from work or play. Deep tissue is used to break these daily patterns that your body has been in for years, encouraging it to move in its designed ways.


I know what you're thinking.

"I cant afford a massage"

"I don't have time for this"


I completely understand. Massage therapy can be a great way to alleviate pain and correct serious underlining issue without expensive Dr. bills and the time it takes you to recover. On that note, we do accept HSA as payment as well.


Deep Tissue has helped hundreds of people with all types of issues, acute and chronic. Life is stressful on your body, but the stress doesn't have to stay with you. Book with us and you might surprised.

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